Loanzer Company: Auto Loans Made Easy
Tell Us Your Ideal Monthly Payments For No Hassle Financing
Get Same Day or Next Day Loan Approval
Dealership Purchases
Don't let the dealer negotiate loan terms. Take control of the buying process and negotiate with a prequalified loan. Our auto specialists are also available to support you through the loan process.
Private Party Purchases
Buy from an individual and we’ll help you navigate the loan process. Plus, we handle all the paperwork, from DMV to closing services, to ensure the purchase of your car is complete and secure.

Used Car Financing
Buy from any dealer or independent party
Loan Size From $3,000 to $30,000+
Monthly Payment To Fit Your Needs
You Tell Us What You Want Your Monthly Payment To Be
Limited Credit, Bad Credit, No Credit, No Problem!
Build Credit! We work with you to reduce your interest rate as much as possible

Apply Here or Contact us Today (Hablamos Español)
Provide us with you name, email, phone number, address and a little about the car, truck or SUV you want to buy.​
Client Testimonials
I had almost no credit and no W2 / paycheck but Loanzer was able to finance me anyways on my used car! Love these guys. They were also super during the process. 100% recommend!
Wilfredo V.
Give these guy a try! This is the first company to approve me for a car loan. My friend told me about them and everything he said was true. Amazing company, thank you so much! (translated from spanish)
Chesco W.
After being rejected time and time again because I didn't have a FICO score or paystubs, Loanzer was a savior! Very happy with the used car loan I got and definitely recommend them!